Choosing a Roofer
How to make sure you are getting a licensed roofing company with the right insurance
Go to the Pikes Peak Regional Building Department website. From the Contractor drop down menu, click on “Search by Name or License-Type”
To search by name – Type in the company name (either all or part of the name). This will bring up a list on contractors, including their address, phone number, license type, when they got their license and when it expires.
Now double click on the contractor you would like to view.
This screen shows the companies insurance information. The first line is the liability insurance and the second in the workman’s compensation policy.
If the workman’s compensation line says “Letter to Exempt” then this company DOES NOT carry workman’s compensation, which means either the owner themselve(s) work or they do not have employees, that if the owner(s) are not the roofer then they hire subcontractors, and most likely are not insured by Worker’s Compensation. If you should hire a company that does not carry worker’s comp; you could be liable should someone get injured while working on your roof. Liability insurance only covers your home for damage while working and does not cover the worker(s).

The second way to check roofing contractors requires a bit more clicking but you will get a list of every roofing contractor that are licensed in El Paso County.
1) In the “Search by License Type” drop down select “Building”
2) In the next drop down select “Specialty (D)” – This is the license all roofing contractors carry.
3) Another drop down list select “Single Trade”
4) In the last drop down list select “Roofing”
Find the companies that you are looking at and you can see when they received their licenses and when it expires; double clicking on the company will bring up their insurance information.
We also suggest calling the Better Business Bureau to find out if they have any opened complaints at 636-5076. No one should ask for up front money, please do not pay.